Soap Carving Club

Soap Carving Club Instruction Sheet


The Soap Carving Club is designed to engage primary school children in creative and hands-on activities, teaching them the art of soap carving over a period of 7 weeks. Each week will focus on different aspects and techniques of soap carving, gradually building their skills and confidence.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Develop fine motor skills through detailed carving tasks.

2. Enhance creativity and imagination by designing and creating unique soap sculptures.

3. Improve concentration and patience while working on intricate projects.

4. Learn about basic sculpting techniques and tools.

5. Encourage teamwork and social skills through group activities and sharing ideas.

6. Foster a sense of accomplishment and pride in completed projects.

7. Understand the safe use of carving tools.

Week-by-Week Plan:

Week 1: Introduction to Soap Carving

- Objective: Introduce the basics of soap carving and safety.

- Activities:

  - Welcome and introduction to the club.

  - Discuss safety rules and the importance of working carefully.

  - Show examples of simple soap carvings suitable for primary school children.

  - Distribute soap bars and plastic carving tools.

  - Practice basic shapes and patterns.

- Materials Needed: Bars of soap, plastic carving tools, cloth or paper towels.

**Week 2: Basic Techniques and Simple Shapes**

- **Objective:** Learn and practice basic carving techniques.

- **Activities:**

  - Review safety rules.

  - Demonstrate basic techniques: shaving, smoothing, and carving simple shapes (circles, squares, triangles).

  - Children practice on their own soap bars.

  - Encourage sharing and discussing their work.

- **Materials Needed:** Bars of soap, carving tools, cloth or paper towels.

**Week 3: Designing a Project**

- **Objective:** Plan and design a simple carving project.

- **Activities:**

  - Discuss the importance of planning before carving.

  - Show examples of simple projects (animals, flowers, geometric patterns).

  - Provide paper and pencils for sketching designs.

  - Children draw their designs on paper.

  - Start transferring designs onto soap bars.

- **Materials Needed:** Paper, pencils, bars of soap, carving tools, cloth or paper towels.

**Week 4: Carving the First Project**

- **Objective:** Start carving the designed project.

- **Activities:**

  - Review designs and transfer onto soap bars.

  - Begin carving under supervision.

  - Provide assistance and guidance as needed.

  - Encourage children to take their time and work carefully.

- **Materials Needed:** Bars of soap, carving tools, cloth or paper towels.

**Week 5: Detailing and Finishing**

- **Objective:** Add details and finish the first project.

- **Activities:**

  - Continue working on the projects.

  - Teach techniques for adding details and finishing touches.

  - Provide feedback and support.

  - Discuss the importance of patience and precision.

- **Materials Needed:** Bars of soap, carving tools, cloth or paper towels.

**Week 6: Creating a Group Project**

- **Objective:** Work collaboratively on a larger group project.

- **Activities:**

  - Introduce the concept of a group project.

  - Discuss and brainstorm ideas as a group.

  - Assign different parts of the project to each child.

  - Begin working on individual parts and assemble them.

- **Materials Needed:** Large bars of soap, carving tools, cloth or paper towels.

**Week 7: Showcase and Reflection**

- **Objective:** Present completed projects and reflect on the experience.

- **Activities:**

  - Finish any remaining work on projects.

  - Set up a display area for showcasing the carvings.

  - Each child presents their work and shares their experience.

  - Discuss what they learned and enjoyed the most.

  - Provide certificates of completion.

- **Materials Needed:** Display table, certificates, carving tools, cloth or paper towels.

### Additional Notes:

- Ensure a safe and clean workspace at all times.

- Encourage children to express their creativity and support their ideas.

- Always supervise the use of carving tools to prevent accidents.

- Provide positive feedback and constructive criticism to help children improve their skills.

By the end of the 7 weeks, children will have a good understanding of soap carving techniques, have created their own soap sculptures, and learned valuable skills in creativity, patience, and teamwork.

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